<div style="text-align: justify;"><font face="georgia, times new roman, times, serif" size="4">200 GM Shampoo tends to be a thick liquid. It is made to clean the hair and scalp by getting rid of debris and extra oil from the area around the hair follicles. The pH levels in your hair are balanced by this shampoo. This shampoo will prevent the color in your color-treated hair from fading as quickly.</font></div><div style="text-align: justify;"> <br /> </div>
FAQs of 200 GM Shampoo:
Q: What is the shelf life of 200 GM Shampoo?
A: The shelf life of 200 GM Shampoo is 12 months.
Q: What is the recommended gender for using this shampoo?
A: This shampoo is recommended for females.
Q: What are the functions of 200 GM Shampoo?
A: The functions of this shampoo include rejuvenating hair shine, anti-dandruff properties, reducing hair fall, smoothening scalp, and boosting hair growth.
Q: What is the recommended hair type for using this shampoo?
A: This shampoo is recommended for those experiencing hair loss.